#26785, Vacuum Motor Kit for Turbo model vacuums, SQ model vacuums, all Attix 8 gallon models, Attix 12 basic, Attix 12 HEPA, and Attix 12 RDF models. 1000 watts, 120 volt. (For XtremeClean filter system vacuums including the Attix 12 RDFD XC, Attix 12 AS/PE, Attix 19 RDFD XC, Attix 19 AS/PE2, and Attix Drum Top vacuums, use motor kit #26784.)
#26785, Vacuum Motor Kit for Turbo model vacuums, SQ model vacuums, all Attix 8 gallon models, Attix 12 basic, Attix 12 HEPA, and Attix 12 RDF models. 1000 watts, 120 volt. (For XtremeClean filter system vacuums including the Attix 12 RDFD XC, Attix 12 AS/PE, Attix 19 RDFD XC, Attix 19 AS/PE2, and Attix Drum Top vacuums, use motor kit #26784.)